Soccer Mom

BedHeadSid (BHS) is getting the hang of teamsports as this is his second year in the local soccer league. He really loves the goalie position, I suspect because it doesn't require running the field and has a short but intense role of defense. Now if we could get him to stop doing kung fu poses on the field....

Kicking the soccer ball around and just having some fun at the local park: BHS using StinkyHeadMonkeyToes (SHMT) as a shield. Amazingly, SHMT has starting dribbling the soccer ball too. He'll kick it across 20 feet or so and loves tossing it around the field. Very athletic baby.
Being soccer parents works out for us too. Every Saturday, we get to yell at kids to our hearts content with near impugnity, and let me tell ya', it is very cathartic indeed! Oh, and nothing is funnier than seeing otherwise 'nice, normal, and well-mannered' parents screaming/cheering their kids on.

What's not so cute is his screaming with emotional exactitude:
Get the hell away from me! = aaaah! said once loudly over his shoulder as he scrambles to get away.
I said give it back to me mother f***ker! = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! said in a prolonged high pitch that renders all dogs unconscious within a mile radius.
Get off my jock, mother f***ker = ah-aaaaaaaaaah! often accompanied with a nervous laugh.
This is soooo mother f***king cool! = oooooooh! or ahhh! and a quick look to me for approval or clarification, or maybe it's just his way of confirming someone is witnessing the coolness of his shit. Very sweet.
I can't wait for him to starting talking. Just like his big brother BHS. I figure they should be able to hold a steady conversation until they're at least in the twenties. If we're lucky, we'll just stand back and watch the fireworks fly.
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