Happy Birthday StinkyHeadMonkeyToes

Your ice cream cone for instance - he'll ask for it nicely. Does Not Matter That He's Holding His Own. He wants yours, and he wants it now. And did I mention how particular he is? He wants something done a particular way - say, shoes: he wants to wear one kind on one foot and another kind on the other foot.
He holds his own against his older brother too. In fact, SHMT has been known to rush BedHeadSid (BHS) and deliver some pete townsend-esque windmill punches. when they brawl, SHMT has no
Needless to say, we don't condone SHMT's behavior, but the frequency is so often despite our efforts (to break up the fight, prevent the squirmishes to begin with, redirect both toddler and 1st grader) that we're going to start charging a pay-per-view fee if it keeps up. Battling Hobos watch out! My money's on the short guy with no morals, but I'll always root for the underdog!

I do think that being a younger brother has a lot to do with both of their agressive behavior. SHMT must fend for himself when BHS never had to deal with that (except at preschool of course, but that's outside the home), with having to fight for toys, attention, food, safety, etc. BHS has not had to share things or have things given over to a younger sibling, and it's difficult to be generous for him at this age. But I do credit BHS with having learned to share more and play a more gentle, patient Big Brother role. That's a lot to ask for from a seven year old. A whole helluva lot!
Well, for his birthday we kept it simple. Yes, that's me in my underwear. sorry. I said it was simple!
Although we cancelled the trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, we visited Fairytale Town in Sacto for nearly four fun-filled hours instead. Then we stopped by Rick's Dessert Diner to pick up a carmel Napoleon and a chocolate eclair and after his nap, celebrated SHMT's birthday with a song and presents at home.

ate copious amounts of nachos,

We all helped SHMT to recollect his birthday events the following day, and amazingly he did seem to remember.
I hope that means he had a fabulous birthday.
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