So much to do, so little time!
Usually something comes up that I feel obligated and compelled to share, fawn, or gripe over with all of you (all two of you, that is). However, this last month has been a hell of a ride as one event has followed another so rapidly and unmercifully that I have not had time to post. I know, un-fucking-believable! We have a life! So much has happened lately, where to begin?
Well, I've heard the bees are dying, so I must pontificate...It's Dubya's fault: like everything else fucked up, I'm sure it's Shrub has something to do with it. Plain and simple.
Next, we have a next to new bathroom - complete with new sink, tiled floor, and recently relocated, new and improved crapper. It only took a week longer than promised and a grand more than expected. Pooks is in the midst of painting it, and I am in the process of redecorating it. I feel ever better about our home. I want to curl up on the bathroom floor and lounge on it. Our next home improvement project entails a repaired roof and new landscaping and fence. Pray for us.
Is it un-maternal that I gush over property improvements before our own son's birth day celebration? Maybe. Maybe not. I'm still grateful that BedHeadSid (BHS) graced our lives. I'm just skipping the big birthday celebrations now. Money is better spent on family instead of his school mates, I've decided. I figure that an intimate party with family and our best friends is the route to go. Fuck the other ragamuffins.
BHS had a wonderful birthday. He started out with a surprise visit from Halabogi (that's my dad, Grandpa K). Too bad the surprise was that we weren't expecting my father and his wife and they didn't know it was BHS's birthday. I ended up waiting for them until midnight the day before BHS's big day and as a result, couldn't bake the muffins for BHS's classroom celebration. As it was, I had to stay up until 3 AM making the classroom party favors. Thanks Dad, it's always great seeing you...

The next day was more kiddie fun at Chuck E. Cheese with Halmoni, Grandpa R, Auntie P-Chan (Mejii-MIL was in Japan), and our best friends the Red Sultans. Lots of noise, fun and adrenaline -- for the kids. I hate that place. I'd go insane working in that place. How do the employees keep from going on shooting rampages after work? Really, I hope they're paid well, because working there has got to be a form of birth control....
I just saw some pix that show us at Funderland too, so I guess we went there too. I dunno it's all blurry after a while. In all, we took BHS out of school for two days and just goofed off, partying, watching TV, eating out, and just enjoying the time with family and a few good friends. I hope BHS had a good 7th.
As for the bride and groom, they were beautiful. What wedding couple isn't? Hearing Auntie S's vows, I was so happy for Uncle R. Hearing Uncle R's vows floored me. I didn't know my brother could express such devotion. I was moved and cried for my brother and his new wife.
More to come...
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