Sir BHS Cuts Off the Ears of the SHMT Monster!
BedHeadSid (BHS) and StinkyHeadMonkeyToes are at it again.
They've entered a new stage: BHS is showing more patience and tolerance toward his baby brother (i.e., less torture and more constructive communication), and SHMT is aware that his pummelling of big brother is wrong and punishable - something heretofore unknownst to him. Both parties still act randomly violent with each other, but thankfully, it seems to be less often and with greater understanding of the consequences, both emotional and physical.
BHS has revealed a very sensitive side of him lately. Very endearing. And I've realized that our new busy schedules and that having a new brother have taken a toll on the personal time we used to spend on BHS alone.
We're trying to enjoy separate "private time" with each of the boys. Pooks tries to ride with BHS on a weekly basis. I'm reading Huck Finn to him and we're both taking BHS out on errands while SHMT stays at home with Halmoni or the other parent.
BHS has his first crush give him the shove the other day. which of course means that she likes him. he was confused at first, but she finally cleared it up. he's happy.
SHMT loves to sing, hum, and burp, the last of which is a talent he is immensely proud of and showcases from time to time, when the mood strikes him. His thoughts are definitely more focused. Subsequently his sentences are more descriptive and all the more startling. He's requesting that I "come down" or "turn around" when he insists on my immediate attention.
The other day the little guy accidently tumbled over the couch edge, but by holding his hands out, he saved himself at the last minute and landed up-side down. after a minute or two of awkward, struggling acrobatics, he finally righted himself then actually topped his efforts off with a pronounced "Ta-Da!!" A clown, this one.
SHMT is exploring his feminine side at the moment. Infatuated with pink, he must have all things pink. "PINK 'POON!" (spoon, that is.) "INK! II-INK PUH-RSE! OOOH! INK" It's very obessive if you ask me, but I guess two-year olds can be this way, all crazed over a particular something.
He's loving his tea set too, just like BHS. Oh, and that tigger suit? He absolutely cannot live without his "Tiggs" too. Anything Tigger or Pooh. Insane, I tells ya!
He likes to put things away and help. So very endearing! I'll say one thing, he is very sweet and loving. He has told me that he misses me when I'm away ("I miss you"). And if you or something looks like its hurt, he declare "oh, poor baby!" and proceed to kiss the boo-boo.
We love both our boys so much!
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