Monday, October 09, 2006

Baby Talk!

Amazing today! StinkyHeadMonkeyToes (SHMT) said "brother" and "good night, daddy!" Granted it sounded like "brudda" and "goo-nigh da-da," but hell who cares! HE TALKED WORDS!

SHMT has officially reached the next plateau of development: spoken words! Not grunts, not screams, not shrieks, not even garbled sounds of emotional exactitude -- not that he hasn't stopped doing these things -- but real, honest to goodness, words!

Now, [sob, sob!] BedHeadSid (BHS) will be able to talk to someone else besides meeeee! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!

Not to say that I don't enjoy talking to BHS, answering every 1.5 seconds, no make that .005 seconds, the questions, the constant barrage of questions, statements and exclaimations that ranges from the profound to the insanely inane. It's just that I sometimes need to think in quiet, that I want to focus uninterrupted, that I need to tune out the incessant -- yes, I'm going to say it -- noise: that joy of just talking just to hear one's voice. I love that our big boy is inquisitive and articulate, but damn! mommy needs some quiet time before I go medieval on someone's ass!

I will say this, BHS was a saint yesterday to his Auntie P-chan when she called. Amazingly, he seemed to know exactly the right thing to say that I (supposedly the adult) myself have been lacking in forethought to say. Yes, BHS was a very compassionate and gentle soul to his
Auntie P-chan yesterday. I guess that balanced out the punch to the crotch that he administered to Pooks at the Harvest Festival yesterday.

On a positive note, however, I will describe the latest sweetness our darlings have demonstrated. BHS has begun to sing songs from his school program like You Are My Sunshine, This Is My Trunk - I'm A Tall, Tall Tree, and Unwind The Apple Tree. His voice is so clear and so angelic that I cannot harbor an ill thought during these sweet arias for I am filled with joy for my son and find my voice humming if not harmonizing right along with him.

As for SHMT, he is deepening our bond by doing some very funny and adorable things. he's started to dribble the soccer ball down the hallway like some super soccer star, his cute little mutton legs deftly guiding the ball hither and thither. He's also getting kicks out of bending over and looking out between his legs at the people and things behind him, so hilarious even he can't stop giggling. Another goodie is when he brings his Good Night Moon book over to me and tosses it in my lap then proceeds to climb the chair in which i'm sitting to climb into my lap and have me read him the story over and over again while he turns each page after listening intently to the few phrases on each page. But the sweetest thing lately has been when he wakes in the morning and when he nurses on the bed with me, he 'll get up and kiss and nuzzle me for no reason other than pure love. Yes, that is the sound of my black heart crying.

My boys just make me sigh with hearts coming out of my ears and eyes.


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