Two Sides of the Same Coin

StinkyHeadMonkeyToes (SHMT) is just too cute. Lately he's been shuffling his feet (like a bull about to charge) to express his delight and dancing (bouncing up and down to the music thank you!) like a go-go dancer gone crazy! He's also been emoting so much lately that we're just waiting for the words to spew forth any day. When he gets up from bed, he'll kiss me right before he leaves the bed (feet first) for the door. He's also figured out how to climb onto the chair and couch, which pleases him to no end. He likes to sit there and read (more like examine) his board books or bounce like he's riding a bucking bronco. Just adorable. He lights up our world. Yes, I'm hearing Debbie Boon in my head right now, and that's okay since I've been replaying the Ramones Beat on the Brat a bit much lately.

Which brings us to the other side of SHMT... There must be balance in the universe, so of course, for every cute action there is a psycho action. Don't get me wrong, it's still cute, but only because it's coming from a 2 ft. one year old. Now if this behavior were to come from his daddy or some other 40-something year old, I would have to file a police report.
I always warn others who are about to enter the "enter at your own risk" zone that is approximately the 5 inch radius around his cherubic head. "You know, he'll look like he's about to caress you, but he might just gauge out your eyes -- you know, just out of curiosity." I think his sweet, angelic face is a decoy that's set to lull you into a false sense of security. Funny how much of life can be this way.
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