Today I cut your hair for the first time, StinkyHeadMonkeyToes (SHMT). I'm so sorry. After my disasterous attempts with BedHeadSid's hair, I vowed that I'd take BHS to a salon and that I wouldn't touch yours. I am so sorry. Your dad made me do it.

Soooo it looked like Frankenstein's Monster's hair cut at first (I coulda put some bolts on your neck and seriously no one would be able to tell differently), but I fixed it and now you just look like fat Frank Sinatra, you know the old, bloated look Frank. Trust me, it's a step up. I love you, don't be mad. You're so cute, you can carry off anything.

At this time, you are tossing everything within grasp. We cannot leave you unattended with food, bowls, glasses, utensils, or any long stick-like apparatus. You will hurt someone. You already have. We are afraid you will eat us. You have already tried.

BHS is surprisingly patient with you and rarely has raised his hand to you; usually, BHS screams like a girl and shields his head with his arms while you pummel him or try to nosh on his belly, back, and/or leg. Your brother loves you. Remember that! We're teaching BHS to disarm you and stare you down though, because honestly, you're getting a bit tyrannical, what with all the toddle-by whackings and surpise nibbling-turn-cannibal-biting that you've committed against each and every member of this household -- including grandma. No one is safe. Good thing you're small and cute. Your homicidal tendencies would be hard to handle otherwise.

You love to share, unless it's something big. Then you like to hold it. You take joy in hand-feeding people. You won't take no for an answer.
Also at this time, you are a rising soccer star. You share this trait with your brother (who scored his first goal last saturday!). You love to dribble just about everything across the floor - a small ball, a wooden block, a bowl, a book, and yes, even a cheese puff.
You love to say hi and bye, and can manage a "hi daddy!" and "hi brodda" along with your "mamamamaammamamamam!"s.

Oh, and you can scream like Ella Fitzgerald breaks glass. You can dance by shaking your booty and swinging your arm. You love to sing.
But best of all, you're happy and sweet and know that you are loved.
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