They say that fences, walls, and other kinds of barriers from the real world are more for keeping the lunatics in than keeping the barbarians out.
Well, ours may not be the Great Wall of China, but in its own way, our meager fencing is for our peace of mind -- to keep the lunacy of raising a family safe from not just the unforseen dangers that lurk outside the gate, but to protect our vulnerable familial core from being seen and judged -- if not affected by the world at large.
Having the paved patios and walkways has enlarged our sense of "home," and so we feel at home now outside in the yard, enough to bring our sons -- our most precious, vulnerable part of us -- out into the open, for all to see. We've created, hopefully, an extension of our home that is protected from the on rush of cars from a busy thoroughfare, from the pedophiles and pushers, perverts and perpetrators -- from all incontrollable threats pedestrian or otherwise.
It's unbelievably comforting how a simple piece of metal can deliver you from your fears so that you reveal your true nature. When in reality, all that's separating you from the guy on the street is a strand of wire, a lock, easily severed by bolt cutters.
But I guess that's really what security is about: not so much the physical barrier but the psychological one; that's what keeps us feeling safe, secure.

Like the wire fence at the tiger's cage in the zoo that we pass by so comfortably, without so much as a whit of cause for concern. Amazing.
Hope everyone had a happy Holloween!
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