I'd like you to meet his royal highness BedHeadSid and his little brother Sir StinkyHeadMonkeyToes. They're the reason why i keep coming back to my current occupation(domestic goddess). That and the fact that their father (a.k.a. Pooks) has a really nice ass.
I am the Dispenser of Nourishment, the Keeper of the Hearth, and the Chauffer of Family Business. On occasion, I moonlight as Executioner but only on my night off from the role of Entertainer. You can call me MaNams (short for 'Mommy Lovin'). They do.
Other family members include Halmoni (my mom), Haraboji (my dad) and his 2nd wife Wei-Halmoni, Uncle R (with whom I am not speaking), and Uncle R (with whom I am speaking, barely); Grandpa R, Mejii-MIL (because she's too vain to be called 'Grandma N'), and Auntie P-chan and Aunt P-ko (Pooks' sisters). Family friends will also be observed under the protection of cute and fitting pseudonyms.
We are the Flying Slesickis, and this blog is about the circus that is our life.