Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Don't Tell Me How To Blog

Auntie P-chan,

Pooks tells me that you are offended by my blogsite, that i am name-calling your mother, and that i remove the offensive language from my blog before your father finds out.

Number 1: i have nothing to hide.

if you are offended by my referring to your mother as "Mejii-MIL" (which describes her japanese ethnicity and her status as my "Mother-In-Law") and as "vain because she doesn't want to be called Grandma" then i will remove you and your father from the blog's update email list and suggest that neither of you visit the site.

this blog is my effort to write about the "circus" that is our life, and i consider everything i write before i publish it. believe me, i have considered writing a lot more about my relationship with your mother and your family AS WELL AS my mother and my family, but we'd all have to go to therapy over that then.

i will not censure my opinions once they are published because you are offended. if i did that for everyone, i'd have nothing to write about.

you should also know, that i am still offended by your mother's request to NOT be called grandma, grandmother or any other title indicating her actual relationship. this is such a sore point with me that i have changed from being sad about the request to mad and now i diligently remind sid (and lucian in the future) to NOT call your mother "grandmother."

Being a mother has changed my life for the better, has brought my mother, my family and i closer together, and (i think) has made me a better person. I could NEVER, EVER deny my role as a mother to my boys or my role as GRANDMOTHER to my GRANDCHILDREN -- and I have been a vain bitch from way back.

Oh, and this is going on the blog.


At 7:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you girl. You write what you feel and if others cant handle it then mabey they should stay in their sheltered inviroments and not read your blog.


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