Turn, Turn, Turn
so much is going on right now, so i'll make this short and sweet.
sid went to his martial art class today too and on our return had only a few minutes to eat before i had to get him ready for bed. also, it's been almost two weeks, but he's going back to school tomorrow. i'd have sent him today but he had a dentist's appointment, as did lu. both the boys have cavities and will need fillings and dental work to the tune of $600! i got this news today and am feeling totally bummed about it. although I know I should be concerned that they may experience pain because of the cavities, I'm shallow enough that I'm thinking about affect it's going to have on us monetarily. that's definitely going to put a damper on our monterey trip :-(
oh well, that's life. if any good came out of it...it's motivated me to wean lucian from nursing him before and while he sleeps. i've introduced the idea of weaning, but of course he doesn't want that. wehell, today was D Day for the boob.
i promised to let him nurse any time during the day but have refused to let him nurse while falling asleep and while he sleeps. today's afternoon nap was the first time i had him purposely fall asleep without nursing. he pitched a fit, but eventually i was able to piggyback him wrapped in my robe and get him to fall asleep. poor baby, it's like i was tearing his heart out! oh the wailing and gnashing of teeth! too much emotional stress!!!!
well i just got him to fall asleep without nursing tonight too, and still had the same reaction if not worse, so i'm on a roll hopefully. my back aches and my voice is hoarse, but i will persevere. i'm sure the little angel/devil is thinking the same.
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