Ban on Gay Marriage Lifted!!! Damn Right!
I can't tell you how overjoyed I am. To see finally that the state supreme court has legally recognized that all people regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation have a constitutional right to marriage is a profoundly historical moment indeed.
Having witnessed my own family's dysfunctional collapse of the institution of heterosexual marriage, and subsequently of our family -- having people, including my family, view my own sexual orientation as an aberration -- having lived to see the day that gay rights were recognized on such a visceral issue -- I no longer only weep with great sorrow but joy and hope that my sons' generation will have a clearer, less discriminating view of the gay community.
I commend the supreme court judges' opinions on their ability to look honestly at the once legalized discrimination against interracial marriage and to imply that -- like the case of Perez vs. Sharp , striking down unlawful provisions on marriage which discriminate based on race -- today's court ruling will be a "judicial opinion whose legitimacy and constitutional soundness ...[will be]universally recognized."
Read the actual opinion for further details:
More power to the pink movement!