So much has occurred lately that I haven't been able to blog in months!
There was Halloween. BedHeadSid dressed up as There was Pooks quietly celebrated birthday. Lunch at Foster's Big Horn and a day trip in Rio Vista.
There was Mike's memorial birthday party. I will always miss him.
There was the election. I don't know about you, but I cried when he delivered his moving Grant Park speech. Our new President-Elect brings hope to the country. Now all W needs to do is ride into that sunset as quietly and quickly as possible...
There was the disappointment of Prop 8 passing, but hopefully the State Supreme Court will find it unconstitutional. Why can't people let people feel legitmate? Damn hets!
There was Halmoni's birthday at Apple Hill. Pooks and BedHeadSid caught some trout for her, and we ate more apples than was necessary. And let's not forget grandma's own immortal words to the question "how's your birthday going?" -- "I'm not dead yet."
There was Thanksgiving. Too. Much. Turkey. Nuff said.
Now December is on its way, and Xmas preparations begin. Happy Holidays.