we had a great time in monterey bay.

BHS at monterey aquarium
BHS and SHMT at the otter exhibit -- where we met our first other person with SHMT's name! I was calling out for SHMT to come over and take a picture when another little boy's mother asked how I knew her son's name. we got to talking and come to find out she named her boy from the same source! what a small world!

at the barely there retail outlet next to the aquarium. there's a lot of remodelling going on in the area. too bad they weren't done when we were there! ah, next year!

at the tidepools by our hotel. i highly recommend this little place at the end of the street called lighthouse avenue? next time we're gonna stay at the asilomar conservation grounds. that place was very cool looking, in a hippie commune kind of way.

Pooks totally looks like he wished he was back at the Bull Dog!
This little touristy stop at Lover's Point was the best place to scour the tide pools safely with the little guy. ankle to knee high water, but never scared the ocean would swallow him up. very neat whole shells of abalone too!
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